I’m a wife and mom of two.

My littles, Houston and Lily, are actually the inspiration behind the name HL Photos, and they are the reason why I became a children and family photographer!

Once my son was born, I started to fill up the photo gallery on my phone FAST! Everything he did was precious, and I wanted to remember every laugh, smile, and moment! I think I probably took at least one picture of him everyday for the first year of his life haha!

But I wasn’t very happy with the quality of my photos. These moments meant so much to me, and I wanted to find a way to preserve them better. So I invested in a DSLR camera, and took the time to learn how to really use it!

While documenting my children’s lives, I found a real passion for photography! That’s when I branched out and started offering sessions for friends and family. I found it so rewarding to help other families capture those precious moments as well! This business has really challenged me to grow and learn new things and has given me the opportunity to meet so many new families. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to do something that I love!

I would love to get to know YOUR family too! Let’s create some fun moments together!