Family,  Kingston, TN

Atchley Family

I was so excited for my sister and her family to come into town! They live in Texas, and I had not seen them since their son Titus was born in October. (Check out my previous blog here for his newborn session and to see how much he has grown!)

Their first born son is the same age as my son, and I just love seeing them get to play together! I hope that they continue to be close growing up! I know it is going to be hard with them living in different states, but this is when I’m truly thankful for technology like FaceTime. It gives us a chance to really interact with them a lot even though they are so far away! I think Titus even recognized me from our chats! We also share family photos daily through photo sharing groups on our iphones. That helps us feel like we are a lot closer than we really are!

This session was done right on our property in Kingston! They had already traveled so far that it didn’t seem fair to make them travel anymore just for family pictures! Also it was over 85 degrees outside so I think we did great at capturing some smiles from these boys before the whole family started melting! Check out some shots from the session below.