• At home sessions,  Knoxville, TN,  Newborn


    I just love shooting in home newborn sessions! You get the chance to capture all the details that you so thoughtfully put into your little ones nursery. You get to be in the comfort of your own home. You get…

  • At home sessions,  Knoxville, TN,  Newborn


    I was so excited to get to meet sweet Mia for our session! She was just the perfect little angel, and the greatest addition to their family! We did the session at the family’s home and were able to capture…

  • At home sessions,  Newborn


    Newborn sessions with older siblings are my absolute favorites! You get to see and hold a beautiful sweet new baby, but you also get to witness big brother or sister stepping into their role for the first time! I know…

  • Milestone Photography Session - Ava One Year
    At home sessions,  Milestone

    Ava’s First Birthday

    I can’t believe Ava is already One! We had such a blast at her birthday session playing with balloons! Turning one is a huge milestone, and such a fun age. She is not quite walking independently yet, but she was…

  • Knoxville Children's Milestone Photography Session
    At home sessions,  Milestone

    Dessa’s 1st Birthday

    Dessa is One! I can’t believe it! It feels like just yesterday we were preparing for her newborn shoot, and now time has flown by! She has such a great personality! She was loving all the attention from the camera,…

  • Knoxville Children's Photography - Milestone - Caroline 3 months
    At home sessions,  Milestone

    Caroline 3 Months

    So excited to finally get to meet Miss Caroline and snap some precious shots of her and her big brother Walker! We celebrated her earlier this year with a gender reveal session once we found out they were going to…

  • At home sessions,  Family

    Knauth Family

    This photo session was so exciting for me! I have known this family for a long time. I couldn’t be happier that they are welcoming a little girl this summer! They picked a fantastic way to reveal the gender of…

  • At home sessions,  Newborn


    I was so excited to do another newborn session so soon, and this time with a little girl! My session with Dessa and her family started out just like my first newborn session. She was wide awake at the beginning…

  • At home sessions,  Newborn


    I was so excited to meet my new nephew and get to do my first newborn photos! I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to work with a newborn so I was a little nervous about being able to…