• Knoxville, TN,  Milestone

    Lyla’s 1st Birthday

    I absolutely LOVED the pancakes and pajamas birthday theme for Lyla! Her mom said she came up with the idea because Lyla loves pancakes so much. Let me just say, I could definitely tell during her session! My favorite birthday…

  • Milestone Photography Session - Ava One Year
    At home sessions,  Milestone

    Ava’s First Birthday

    I can’t believe Ava is already One! We had such a blast at her birthday session playing with balloons! Turning one is a huge milestone, and such a fun age. She is not quite walking independently yet, but she was…

  • Knoxville Children's Milestone Photography Session
    At home sessions,  Milestone

    Dessa’s 1st Birthday

    Dessa is One! I can’t believe it! It feels like just yesterday we were preparing for her newborn shoot, and now time has flown by! She has such a great personality! She was loving all the attention from the camera,…

  • Knoxville Children's Photography - Milestone - Caroline 3 months
    At home sessions,  Milestone

    Caroline 3 Months

    So excited to finally get to meet Miss Caroline and snap some precious shots of her and her big brother Walker! We celebrated her earlier this year with a gender reveal session once we found out they were going to…

  • Knoxville Family Photography Session - Lafollette
    Knoxville, TN,  Milestone


    I had so much fun running around UT Gardens with Finn for this session! We had originally planned to take the photos at Knoxville Botanical Gardens, but I did not account for all the people that would be there for…

  • Knoxville Children's Photography - Milestone - Briley One Year
    Knoxville, TN,  Milestone

    Briley’s 1st Birthday

    So excited to join in celebrating Briley’s first birthday! We actually started out with five balloons for these pictures. That was a struggle to begin with since there is a helium shortage in our county (what?). Then the wind kept…