Family,  Kingston, TN

Christmas Mini Sessions

I LOVE Christmas, and everything about it! It is such a fun time to spend with family and friends. It’s also a great opportunity for most people to get some updated family portraits for their Christmas cards!

My idea for mini sessions this year was inspired by Pinterest of course. I started with the perfect Teepee that I found on Amazon. After a visit to Hobby Lobby and Kirklands, I had the best setup for some fun family pictures! I then used a few of my own Christmas decorations in the setup as well!

I was able to reconnect with some families that I did pictures for last year, but I also had several new families that I met this year! It was such a fun time for me to work with each of these families! For several of the sessions, we had to battle freezing temperatures, but all the kids were such troopers!

These sessions were all so perfect! I even got several Christmas cards from my clients who used photos from their session on them! I love getting and displaying Christmas cards. If you ever use photos from our sessions on your card, please send one to me too!