Family,  Knoxville, TN

Gregory Family

This family photo session in Knoxville was my absolute favorite to date! The weather and light were absolutely perfect. The golden hour sun was just so dreamy in these images, and I was so so happy with how they turned out! I’m glad mom and dad let their littles stay up past their bedtime so we could capture these gorgeous images of their growing family!

Its not been very long ago since we took Lyla’s 1st birthday pictures. I feel like she has already changed so much though! In typical toddler fashion, all she wanted to do was run around, play and explore! And Lawson has just been the perfect addition to this family of four. I can already see that these two babies are going to be the best of friends!

They chose to have this family photo session taken at their property in Knoxville. I love when families are able to incorporate locations that are special to them! It makes for a unique setting, and children especially are more comfortable in a location that is familiar to them. When you do a session at home, it also ensures that there are no additional fees to use that location. Most people think they need a huge yard or space to be able to do photos at home, but that’s just not true! Really all you need is a good tree and the right time of day to make your session magical! This session is the perfect example!

It was so easy to edit these photos. I edited almost the entire gallery when I was just trying to do a few sneak peeks. I loved everything about them, and how you could just see the love this family has for each other in all of their expressions. Check out my favorites from this session below!