At home sessions,  Newborn


Newborn sessions with older siblings are my absolute favorites! You get to see and hold a beautiful sweet new baby, but you also get to witness big brother or sister stepping into their role for the first time! I know my favorite pictures of my own family were when my second was born. We got to see our children interact together for the first time in just the most precious way!

Harper and Hadley were no exception. The way Hadley was giving her sister kisses and loving on her was just the sweetest! And of course it was basically the highlight of my month getting to hold new baby Harper! That newborn sweetness just never gets old!

Most newborn sessions are either done at the hospital as a fresh 48 session or at home within 10 days of birth. Newborn photos tend to take a longer time, so sessions at home are perfect for that. I always allow plenty of time for the session so clients can take breaks to tend to baby for diaper changes or feedings. This session was in Kingston, my hometown, at the clients home. The mom and I actually went to high school together so we have known each other for a long time! It was so good to see her again, and meet her new bundle of joy!

Take a look at my favorites from this newborn session below!