Family,  Loudon, TN

Marney Family

I mean, is there anything cuter than toddler and goat kisses?! This session was beyond adorable! I edited almost all of the photos immediately when I got home. I was trying to only pick a few favorites, but it was so hard because they were all too cute!

You never know how a toddler is going to react around animals, but Cooper was loving it! He started out by trying to catch the chickens, but they run pretty fast so they were hard to keep up with! So next, he moved onto the goats. They were best friends right away, and he tried to kiss almost every one that came near him! He was also able to sneak in a few cuddles with some of the dogs on the farm too!

I love that we were also able to capture some of the bond between this mama and baby boy! I just melted every time I saw his little hand reaching for hers. And those snuggles, smiles, and kisses were just too sweet! It’s so true when people say babies don’t keep because they grow up just too fast! I’m glad this mom will have these memories to cherish of her little boy forever!

This was my first time shooting on a farm, and now I know how awesome they are! The scenery is just so beautiful, and the animals just add an even further element of fun! Take a look at my favorites from this fun farm session below!