Family,  Knoxville, TN

Woods Family

This was my first time meeting Tasha and Tyler, and they are the absolute sweetest! They are relatives of another client, and I am thrilled that they reached out for a family session! They wanted to document this time with their new little girl, and that’s what I am all about.

Their little girl was just so precious! She was a little sleepy at the beginning of the session, but she quickly warmed up to the camera. I loved the soft pink color combo that they had her dressed in as it complimented her features so beautifully. Three months is the perfect milestone to capture photos too because children are just starting to show their true personality, but aren’t quite able to try and run away from the camera yet!

I always love photographing at the botanical gardens this time of year! Everything is in bloom and every space is picture perfect! The landscape was so lush and it was the perfect background to capture this sweet little family. We had to postpone the session a few times for rain, but I’m so glad the weather cooperated with us on this day to make these memories. Take a look at some of my favorites from the session below!